Excel Courses

Excel Training


Solid Excel spreadsheet skills are essential in today’s business world. Learn the basics of Excel spreadsheets with this comprehensive introductory course. Gain confidence and develop skills that can be transferred immediately to the workplace. Prerequisites: Basic keyboard and mouse skills.
Excel application window Add borders and shading to a worksheet
Enter labels and values into a worksheet Sort the records of a list
Enter a formula into a worksheet Filter the records of a list
Adjust column width and row height in a worksheet Excel tables
Open a new workbook Insert comments into a worksheet
Use the spelling checker Split the worksheet window into panes
Use an Excel template to create a workbook Freeze the worksheet window
Automatically fill a range Hide rows and columns of a worksheet
Copy and move cells Change the page setup for a worksheet
Automatically compute a row or column total Preview a worksheet
Insert and delete rows and columns Print selected worksheet entries
Formatting including cell styles Find and replace a specific entry in a worksheet
Use alignment options in the Format Cells dialog box Use Excel functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN and COUNT)
Apply conditional formatting to a worksheet
Reset the number format of cell entries


Master popular Excel functions. Learn how to manage your data efficiently and present it effectively using Excel's visualization tools. Intermediate level course. Prerequisites: Excel 1 or introductory level skills.
Power Query for data cleansing Insert sparklines
Extracting data in Power Query Insert a new worksheet in a workbook
Transforming data in Power Query Delete a worksheet from a workbook
Use options in the paste special dialogue box Enter a formula to link related worksheets in a workbook
Enter an absolute cell reference into a formula Enter an absolute cell reference into a formula
Use the IF, SUMIF and COUNTIF functions Use the VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP functions
Use the PMT and FV functions Create a new workbook template
Use the DATE and NOW functions Insert a diagram into a worksheet
Plot a chart Insert a hyperlink into a worksheet
Modify and enhance a chart Linking Excel to other applications


Spot patterns and trends in your data and gain an insight into Excel's powerful business intelligence features. Also covers Excel's security features. Advanced level course. Prerequisites: Excel 2 or intermediate level skills.
Restrict cell entries to specific numbers, dates, or times Excels Artificial Intelligence tools
Restrict cell entries to specific entries in a list Add subtotals to worksheet data
Create a custom number format Group and outline data
Define a range name Create a PivotTable report
Use a range name in a formula Reset the summary function in a PivotTable report
INDEX MATCH vs XLOOKUP functions Create a PivotChart report and Dashboard
Use the DSUM and DAVERAGE functions Perform data analysis using scenarios
Trace precedents in a worksheet Import data into excel
Trace dependents in a worksheet Export excel data to other applications
Trace errors in a worksheet Use the data consolidation feature
Watch and evaluate formulas in a worksheet Protecting excel files, workbooks and worksheets
Consolidate data from multiple workbooks


Become a true Excel power user with this introduction to macros and Visual Basic. Learn to automate repetitive tasks and customise the Excel environment. Prerequisites: Excel 3 or advanced level skills.
Configure macro security settings Edit a personal macro
The Macro Recorder Include relative cell references in a macro
Record workbook macros for cell operations Add a macro button to the ribbon
Run a workbook macro Create macros using the Visual Basic Editor
Display macro instructions Create a user-defined function
Edit a workbook macro Respond to user input
Add a macro button to a worksheet Create a user form
Record personal macros to automate workbooks Debug a macro
Run a personal macro Using ChatGPT

Competitive Pricing

Each course lasts one day.

Participants will receive a manual and completion certificate.

For more information about our Excel course, contact us.

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